Christian Ethics
Why Did I Write My New Book on Christian Ethics?
by Wayne Grudem
I wrote my new book Christian Ethics (Crossway, 2018) for Christians who want to understand what the Bible teaches about how to obey God faithfully in their daily lives. I hope the book will be useful not only for college and seminary students who take classes in Christian ethics, but also for all other Christians who seek, before God, to be “filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,” with the result that they will live “in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Col. 1:9–10).
But the book also contains a challenge. I am concerned that teaching about ethics has been neglected in many evangelical churches today—partly because the issues seem complex, partly because pastors do not want to be accused of sounding “legalistic,” and partly because the surrounding non-Christian culture is hostile to Christian moral values, so anyone who teaches biblical ethics is likely to be criticized by unbelievers. Therefore, I hope this book will help to meet a need among Christians today for more biblical ethical understanding. And I hope the book will challenge Christians to live lives of personal holiness in the midst of a secular culture.
This book is similar in its method to my earlier book Systematic Theology, because both books seek to explain “what the whole Bible teaches” about various specific topics. However, Systematic Theology dealt with theological topics such as the Trinity, the person of Christ, the atonement, and salvation, while this book deals with ethical topics such as lying and telling the truth, war, abortion, euthanasia, racial discrimination, divorce and remarriage, homosexuality, stewardship of money, wise use of the environment, and many other topics.
I hope it will be useful for all Christians who seek to experience the great blessing of God that comes from walking daily in paths of obedience, knowing more of the joy of God’s presence, and experiencing his favor on our lives.
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Systematic Theology
(1291 pages. This book is widely used as a theology textbook around the world. It has sold over 500,000 copies and has been translated into fifteen other languages, with at least four more foreign translations now in process — see Questions page for translation details.)
The Christian church has a long tradition of systematic theology, that is, studying theology and doctrine organized around fairly standard categories such as the Word of God, redemption, and Jesus Christ. This introduction to systematic theology has several distinctive features: – A strong emphasis on the scriptural basis for each doctrine and teaching – Clear writing, with technical terms kept to a minimum – A contemporary approach, treating subjects of special interest to the church today – A friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect – Frequent application to life – Resources for worship with each chapter – Bibliographies with each chapter that cross-reference subjects to a wide range of other systematic theologies.
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Politics – According to the Bible
(This is a 619-page reference work that discusses over 60 political issues today, grouped into 18 broad categories in its 18 chapters. You can read the entire book, or each chapter can be read on its own for areas such as national defense, the environment, economics, marriage, the protection of life, or the courts.)
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A variety of perspectives exist within the Christian community when it comes to political issues and political involvement. This comprehensive and readable book presents a political philosophy from the perspective that the Gospel pertains to all of life, so Christians should be involved in political issues. In brief, this is an analysis of conservative and liberal plans to do good for the nation, evaluated in light of the Bible and common sense.
In this ground-breaking book, recognized evangelical Bible professor Wayne Grudem rejects five mistaken views about Christian influence on politics: (1) ‘compel religion,’ (2) ‘exclude religion,’ (3) ‘all government is demonic,’ (4) ‘do evangelism, not politics,’ and (5) ‘do politics, not evangelism.’ He proposes a better alternative: (6) ‘significant Christian influence on government.’ Then he explains the Bible’s teachings about the purpose of civil government and the characteristics of good or bad government. Does the Bible support some form of democracy? Should judges and the courts hold the ultimate power in a nation? With respect to specific political issues, Grudem argues that most people’s political views depend on deep-seated assumptions about several basic moral and even theological questions, such as whether God exists, whether absolute moral standards can be known, whether there is good and evil in each person’s heart, whether people should be accountable for their good and bad choices, whether property should belong to individuals or to society, and whether the purpose of the earth’s resources is to bring benefit to mankind. After addressing these foundational questions, Grudem provides a thoughtful, carefully-reasoned analysis of over fifty specific issues dealing with the protection of life, marriage, the family and children, economic issues and taxation, the environment, national defense, relationships to other nations, freedom of speech and religion, quotas, and special interests. He makes frequent application to the current policies of the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States, but the principles discussed here are relevant for any nation. -
“Free Grace” Theology: 5 Ways It Diminishes the Gospel
Must the gospel message include a call for people to repent of their sins? “No,” say Free Grace advocates. Is evidence of a changed life an important indication of whether a person is truly born again? “No, again,” these advocates say. But in this book, Wayne Grudem shows how the Bible answers “Yes” to both of these questions, arguing that the Free Grace movement contradicts both historic Protestant teaching and the New Testament itself. This important book explains the true nature of the Christian gospel and answers the question asked by so many people: “How can I know that I’m saved?”
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The Poverty of Nations: A Sustainable Solution
This 2013 book was co-authored by me and by my good friend Barry Asmus, a professional economist. (Barry and I have also served together as elders at Scottsdale Bible Church.) For more information about Barry Asmus see writing The Poverty of Nations, we found that our different academic backgrounds (Barry in economics, Wayne in Christian theology and biblical studies) led us to agree on the only way to solve world poverty.Our solution is a complex one, ultimately involving seventy-eight factors. This is because we are convinced that the causes of continuing poverty are also complex. These seventy-eight factors fall in three categories that affect an entire nation: national laws, economic policies, and cultural values.
We think this book is unique because (a) it approaches world poverty from the combined perspective of Christian theology and economics, and (b) it approaches the question of poverty not at the level of the individual person or community (where much good work is already being done), but at the level of the whole nation.
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Christian Beliefs
(This is a 159-page condensation of my book Bible Doctrine, and it covers the 20 most central and basic doctrines of the Christian faith. It is suitable for use in a new members’ class in a church, or in a home study group.)
God doesn’t call every Christian to go off to seminary, but there are certain matters of doctrine—that is, the church’s teaching—that every Christian simply must know. Theology is important, because what we believe affects how we live. If you’re a relatively new believer in Jesus, or if you’re a more mature Christian looking for a quick brush-up on basics of the faith, Christian Beliefs is for you. This readable guide to twenty basic Christian beliefs is a condensation of Wayne Grudem’s award-winning book on systematic theology, prized by pastors and teachers everywhere. He and his son, Elliot, have boiled down the essentials of Christian theology for the average layperson and made them both clear and applicable to life. You will learn about the Bible, the characteristics of God, what it means that we are created in the image of God, what God has done for us in Christ, the purpose of the church, and much more. Each chapter includes questions for personal review or group discussion.
“These truly are twenty basic beliefs that every Christian should know. Wayne Grudem is a master teacher with the ability to explain profound truths in simple language. He is a man of deep conviction and theological passion—and those who read this book will be both educated and encouraged in the faith.” -R. Albert Mohler Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
“Based on Systematic Theology, this summary will certainly help beginners with Christ to get the hang of their faith.” -J. I. Packer, Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia
“As Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology contracts into a compact book, I do not lose my enthusiasm for the truth he loves and the clarity of his words.” -John Piper, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Business for the Glory of God
(96 pages) Can business activity in itself be morally good and pleasing to God? Sometimes business can seem so shady–manipulating the “bottom line,” deceiving the consumer, or gaining promotions because of whom you know.
But Wayne Grudem introduces a novel concept: business itself glorifies God when it is conducted in a way that imitates God’s character and creation. He shows that all aspects of business,including ownership, profit, money, competition, and borrowing and lending, glorify God because they are reflective of God’s nature.Though Grudem isn’t naïve about the easy ways these activities can be perverted and used as a means to sin, he knows that Christians can be about the business of business.
This biblically-based book is a thoughtful guide to imitating God during interactions with customers, coworkers, employees, and other businesses. See how your business, and your life in business,can be dedicated to God’s glory.
Bible Doctrine
(This is a 528-page condensation of my book Systematic Theology.)
How do we know the Bible is God’s Word? What is sin, and where did it come from? How is Jesus fully God and fully man? What are spiritual gifts? When and how will Christ return? If you’ve asked questions like these, then ‘systematic theology’ is no abstract term. It’s an approach to finding answers every Christian needs to know. Bible Doctrine takes a highly commended upper-level textbook on systematic theology and makes it accessible to the average reader. Abridged from Wayne Grudem’s award-winning Systematic Theology, Bible Doctrine covers the same essentials of the faith, giving you a firm grasp on seven key topics: The Doctrine of the Word of God, The Doctrine of God, The Doctrine of Man, The Doctrine of Christ, The Doctrine of the Application of Redemption, The Doctrine of the Church, and The Doctrine of the Future. Like Systematic Theology, this book is marked by its clarity, its strong scriptural emphasis, its thoroughness in scope and detail, and its treatment of such timely topics as spiritual warfare and the gifts of the Spirit. But you don’t need to have had several years of Bible school to reap the full benefits of Bible Doctrine. It’s easy to understand…and it’s packed with solid, biblical answers to your most important questions.
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Voting as a Christian: The Economic and Foreign Policy Issues
(This 332-page book contains the chapters on economics, the environment, defense, and foreign policy from my larger book Politics — According to the Bible. It also contains a shortened overview of the early chapters on biblical principles for Christian influence on government in general.)
Voting by the Bible: The Economic and Foreign Policy Issues begins with the assumption that God intended the Bible to give guidance to every area of life—including how governments should function. Derived from Politics According to the Bible, this book highlights those economic and foreign-policy issues that have dominated political debate recently. Throughout, author Wayne Grudem supports political positions that would be called more ‘conservative’ than ‘liberal.’ However, ‘it is important to understand that I see these positions as flowing out of the Bible’s teachings rather than positions I hold prior to, or independently of, those biblical teachings,’ he writes. ‘My primary purpose in the book is not to be liberally or conservative, or Democrat or Republican, but to explain a biblical worldview and a biblical perspective on issues of politics, law, and government.’
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Voting as a Christian: The Social Issues
(This 218-page book contains the chapters on the protection of life, marriage, the family, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion from my larger book Politics — According to the Bible. It also contains a shortened overview of the early chapters on biblical principles for Christian influence on government in general.)
Voting as a Christian: The Social Issues begins with the assumption that God intended the Bible to give guidance to every area of life—including how governments should function. Derived from Politics—According to the Bible, this book highlights those economic and foreign-policy issues that have dominated political debate recently. Throughout, author Wayne Grudem supports political positions that would be called more ‘conservative’ than ‘liberal.’ However, ‘it is important to understand that I see these positions as flowing out of the Bible’s teachings rather than positions I hold prior to, or independently of, those biblical teachings,’ he writes. ‘My primary purpose in the book is not to be liberal or conservative, or Democrat or Republican, but to explain a biblical worldview and a biblical perspective on issues of politics, law, and government.’
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Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
(co-edited with John Piper)
(566 pages. This book contains 27 essays by 22 different authors on the key issues regarding biblical manhood and womanhood. It won the “Book of the Year” award from Christianity Today magazine in 1992. In the modern controversies over this topic, this is the book that first defined and defended in detail the “complementarian” position, which says that men and women are equal in value but different in their roles in marriage and the church. For over 20 years this book has remained the standard scholarly work explaining the complementarian position.)
A controversy of major proportions has spread through the church. Recent generations bear witness to the rise of “evangelical feminism”–a movement that has had a profound impact on all of life,challenging some of our basic Christian beliefs.
In this new edition of an influential and award-winning best-seller, more than twenty men and women have committed their talents to produce the most thorough response yet to this modern movement. Combining systematic argumentation with popular application, this volume deals with all of the main passages of Scripture brought forward in this controversy regarding gender-based role differences.
Anyone concerned with the fundamental question of the proper relationship between men and women in home, church, and society will want to read this book. New preface included.
Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth
(856 pages. This book complements the materials found in Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by providing detailed answers to multiple objections that were raised in the thirteen years of intensive discussion and debate from 1991 to 2004.)
Egalitarians, or evangelical feminists, consider men’s and women’s roles in the home and church to be interchangeable. In this helpful book, Bible scholar Wayne Grudem considers over a hundred egalitarian arguments and finds them contrary to the Bible. According to Grudem, the Bible teaches that God values men and women equally. However, their roles in home and church are complementary to each other, not interchangeable. Arguing against both feminism on the left and male chauvinism on the right, his carefully researched handbook is a valuable resource defending the complementarian viewpoint.
Follow this link for Dr. Grudem’s Books At a Glance interview, published on 8/5/14: Click Here
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Evangelical Feminism: A New Path to Liberalism?
(272 pages. This 2006 book is intended to sound a warning to churches today. It has 26 short chapters showing that every one of the 26 major arguments used to support evangelical feminism either (a) undermines or denies the authority of the Bible, or (b) is based on untruthful or unsubstantiated factual claims. Then the book argues that the feminist view is dangerous because it inevitably leads churches toward adopting liberal theology and abandoning more and more of the teachings of the Bible.)
By critically examining the writings of egalitarians, Grudem shows that, while egalitarian leaders claim to be subject to Scripture in their thinking, what is increasingly evident in their actual scholarship and practice is an effective rejection of the authority of Scripture.
Egalitarianism is heading toward an Adam who is neither male nor female, a Jesus whose manhood is not important, and a God who is both Father and Mother, and then maybe only Mother. The common denominator in all of this is a persistent undermining of the authority of Scripture in our lives. Grudem’s conclusion is that we must choose either evangelical feminism or biblical truth. We can’t have it both ways!
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The Gift of Prophecy in the New Testament and Today
(400 pages. This book, published in 1988 and updated in 2000, is a popularized version of my Ph.D. thesis at the University of Cambridge, England. I removed a lot of the technical academic details and added a lot of practical material about guidelines for using this gift today. For the actual text of the doctoral thesis on which this was based, see my book The Gift of Prophecy in 1 Corinthians, below. )
What does the New Testament teach about the spiritual gift of prophecy? What is it? How does it function? Can evangelical Christians use it in their churches today?
This updated, comprehensive work answers such questions and points the way to a renewed understanding of the gift of prophecy–an understanding that suggests how the body of Christ may enjoy one of the Holy Spirit’s most edifying gifts without compromising the supremacy of Scripture.
“This conservative evangelical scholarly work gives a solid theological basis for further development of a practical theology of spiritual gifts.” –John Wimber, Vineyard Christian Fellowship
“Careful, thorough, wise, and to my mind, convincing.” –J.I. Packer
“…a fresh, biblically sound, readable contribution…its depth of scholarship, pastoral solidity, and cautions against abuses are special strengths. Highly recommended.” –Vern S. Poythress, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Westminster Theological Seminary
“If Grudem’s convincing thesis could be heard, a new path of dialog could perhaps be opened up in the Christian community. The research, clarity, and typical Grudem candor continue to make this the finest book on the subject to date.” –L. Russ Bush, Professor of Philosophy of Religion, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“…thorough, biblical, and practical. It deserves the attention of all who are concerned about the spiritual development of the church today.” –Stanley Horton, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Bible and Theology, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
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1 Peter (Tyndale New Testament Commentary series)
In 1 Peter, explains Wayne Grudem, readers are encouraged to grow in their trust in God and their obedience to him throughout their lives, but especially when they suffer. “Here is a brief and very clear summary both of the consolations and instructions needful for the encouragement and direction of a Christian in his journey to Heaven, elevating his thoughts and desires to that happiness, and strengthening him against all opposition in the way, both that of corruption within, and temptations and afflictions from without,” says Archbishop Robert Leighton in the introduction. The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries have long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world’s most distinguished evangelical scholars, these twenty volumes offer clear, reliable, and relevant explanations of every book in the New Testament. These Tyndale volumes are designed to help readers understand what the Bible actually says and what it means. The introduction to each volume gives a concise but thorough description of the authorship, date, and historical background of the biblical book under consideration. The commentary itself examines the text section by section, drawing out its main themes. It also comments on individual verses and deals with problems of interpretation. The aim throughout is to get at the true meaning of the Bible and to make its message plain to readers today. The original, unrevised text of this volume has been completely retypeset and printed in a larger, more attractive format with the new cover design for the series.
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Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views
Are the gifts of tongues, prophecy, and healing for today? No, say cessationists. Yes, say Pentecostal and Third Wave Christians. Maybe, say a large sector of open-but-cautious evangelicals. What’s the answer? Is there an answer?
Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? takes you to the heart of the charismatic controversy. It contains thoughtful articles by four authors representing (1) the Pentecostal, (2) the Third Wave, (3) the Open-but-cautious, and (4) the Cessationist positions.
The authors present their positions in an interactive setting that allows for critique, clarification, and defense. This thought-provoking book will help Christians on every side of the miraculous gifts debate to better understand their own position and the positions of others.
“Wayne Grudem has brought online the four major views on miraculous gifts today. Downloading them into your own understanding takes effort, but the worldwide network that you join is the fellowship of the Spirit!” — Edmund Clowney, Professor of Practical Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary
“No heaven-sent resource is more intended to bond and bless the church than the Holy Spirit’s gifts and ministry. Hopefully, this excellent book will help all the more to achieve his intent — our bonding as one body and our blessing by the Spirit’s manifest presence.” — Jack W. Hayford, Senior Pastor, The Church on the Way, Van Nuys, CA
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Which Bible Translation Should I Use? (new, October, 2012)
One of the most frequently asked questions related to the Bible is, “Which Bible translation should I use?” People often wonder what is the all-around best English Bible translation available. In this book, veteran Bible translators Douglas Moo, Wayne Grudem, Ray Clendenen, and Philip Comfort all analyze the same “test” passages, and each author makes a case for the Bible translation he represents: the NIV 2011 (New International Version), the ESV (English Standard Version), the HCSB (Holman Christian Standard Bible), and the NLT (New Living Translation) respectively.
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Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood (editor)
(304 pages. This book contains 10 foundational papers that were presented March 20-22, 2000, at a conference sponsored by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood in Dallas, Texas.)
For years a debate has raged over how to define true masculinity and true femininity. While there is agreement that men and women share equally in the privilege of being made in God’s image, some views of manhood and womanhood blur God-given gender distinctions.
Wayne Grudem assembled a team of distinguished writers to show how egalitarian views destroy God’s ideal for your relationships,marriage, and life purposes. The contributors to this book include:
- John Piper, Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis,Minnesota
- Bruce A. Ware, Senior Associate Dean of the School of Theology and Professor of Christian Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Richard W. Hove, Director of Campus Crusade for Christ at Duke University
- Daniel Doriani, Dean of the Faculty and Professor of New Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary
- Daniel R. Heimbach, Professor of Christian Ethics at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Peter Jones, Professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in California
These writers explore key issues, including the interchangeability of male-female roles, the meaning of submission,and the historical novelty of egalitarian interpretations of Scripture. This book will demonstrate how some views of manhood and womanhood tamper with our understanding of God’s character and why the extremes of male domination and feminism destroy the beauty of our sexual differences-differences that celebrate the excellence of men and women as God created us.
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Christian Beliefs: 20-part DVD course
Christian Beliefs is a new DVD discipleship resource with world class theologian, Dr. Wayne Grudem. Grudem’s books are used in seminaries all over the world to train pastors and leaders. But now the rules have changed. Grudem’s powerful, heartfelt teaching can be in your living room!
Many resonate with the apostle Paul’s heart cry, “that I may know him and the power of His resurrection.” If you are one of them, or you want to be, this is for you.
ESV Bible (member of Translation Oversight Committee)
The English Standard Version (ESV) Bible is an essentially literal Bible translation that combines word-for-word accuracy with literary excellence, beauty, and depth of meaning.
First published in 2001, the ESV Bible has become trusted by millions of Christian leaders, pastors, and individuals in every part of the world.
The ESV Bible carries forward the trusted legacy of the Bible in English–the legacy established first in the Tyndale New Testament (1526) and the KJV Bible (1611). With this legacy as the foundation, the ESV Bible (2001) reflects the beauty and majesty of the original languages, first captured centuries ago by these early Bible translations.
But the ESV also provides the most recent evangelical Christian Bible scholarship and enduring readability for today. The ESV translation team was built on the trusted foundation of over 100 evangelical Christian scholars and pastors worldwide, committed to the truth, authority, and application of the Bible to all of life.
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ESV Study Bible (General Editor)
The ESV Study Bible was created to help people understand the Bible in a deeper way. Combining the best and most recent evangelical Christian scholarship with the highly regarded ESV text, it is the most comprehensive study Bible ever published.
The ESV Study Bible features more than 2,750 pages of extensive, accessible Bible resources, including completely new notes, full-color maps, illustrations, charts, timelines, and articles created by an outstanding team of 93 evangelical Christian scholars and teachers. In addition to the 757,000 words of the ESV Bible itself, the notes and resources of the ESV Study Bible comprise an additional 1.1 million words of insightful explanation and teaching-equivalent to a 20-volume Bible resource library all contained in one volume.
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The Gift of Prophecy in 1 Corinthians (Wayne Grudem’s Ph.D. dissertation)
This is a published copy of my Ph.D. dissertation written at the University of Cambridge, England, under Professor C. F. D. Moule and first published in 1982 by University Press of America. I am thankful that Wipf and Stock have now reprinted it because it is still frequently referred to in discussions about the gift of prophecy. This version contains about 40,000 words of scholarly interaction and detailed exegesis which are not found in my more popular book on prophecy, The Gift of Prophecy in the New Testament and Today (Crossway Books, second edition, 2000). I based that book on this earlier, more academic work.
I am still in substantial agreement with what I wrote in this earlier book and I hope it will continue to be useful for people in considering what the gift of prophecy was in the New Testament church.
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Pastoral Leadership for Manhood and Womanhood (co-edited with Dennis Rainey)
(300 pages. This book contains 15 practical papers that were presented March 20-22, 2000, at a conference sponsored by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood in Dallas, Texas.)
As the shepherd of the flock, a pastor has many responsibilities–few as great as leading and training families.The pervasive attitude and beliefs of the world have only added stress and confusion to this task. Sixteen highly regarded men and women help bring clarity and guidance to this important issue. They tackle practical topics such as how and why to preach on biblical manhood and womanhood, putting the Internet to use, church discipline, small groups, and handling domestic violence. They discuss the personal applications within the pastor’s marriage, and they examine the biblical views of ministering to singles, homosexuality, leadership and submission, and much more. This compilation is thorough, potent, and a must-have for any pastor’s library.
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Translating Truth: The Case for Essentially Literal Bible Translation (contributor)
In an age when there is a wide choice of English Bible translations, the issues involved in Bible translating are steadily gaining interest. Consumers often wonder what separates one Bible version from another.
The contributors to this book argue that there are significant differences between literal translations and the alternatives. The task of those who employ an essentially literal Bible translation philosophy is to produce a translation that remains faithful to the original languages, preserving as much of the original form and meaning as possible while still communicating effectively and clearly in the receptors’ languages.
Translating Truth advocates essentially literal Bible translation and in an attempt to foster an edifying dialogue concerning translation philosophy. It addresses what constitutes”good” translation, common myths about word-for-word translations,and the importance of preserving the authenticity of the Bible text. The essays in this book offer clear and enlightening insights into the foundational ideas of essentially literal Bible translation.
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The TNIV and the Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy (co-authored with Vern Poythress)
“The Bible is God’s own Word to us.” Translating the words of God has become an even more daunting task in recent years as the pressure of “political correctness” and various activist agendas have sought to influence the landscape. No issue has become more controversial than gender-neutral Bible translations, especially with the release of the TNIV.
Vern Poythress and Wayne Grudem examine the translation practice of replacing the generic “he” and the specific “father” with the gender-neutral “they” and “parent” with special attention focused on the TNIV. While translators may be well intentioned in seeking not to offend, Poythress and Grudem contend that the results are subtly changing meanings of the original texts.
The authors seek to build a dialogue that will result in understanding both sides of the gender-neutral controversy and the challenge of producing accurate Bible translations.
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